Dark Night of the Podcast

Episode 106 – Graduation Day (1981) with Chris Jehnert

Throw on your trek shoes and grab your graduation gown because Troy and guest co-host, the multi-talented Chris Jehnert discuss the shenanigans of a stopwatch obsessed killer in the 1981 slasher Graduation Day.  Join the guys as they chat overly energetic cheering fan montages, the consequences of aggressive coaching practices, Vanna White doing something on screen other than turning letters, and one of the most laughable and least scary killer disguises ever donned! Also, if you're interested in monthly exclusive bonus content, please check out our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/darknightofthepodcast.

Find out more at http://www.darknightofthepodcast.com

Episode 105 – Sleepaway Camp 3: Teenage Wasteland (1989) with Chris Moore

Troy kicks off his unhappy Rogerless month on a happy note by being joined by fellow filmmaker and podcaster Chris Moore, who graciously step into co-hosting duties.  The two hop in a garbage truck and trek to the teenage wasteland known as Camp New Horizons to discuss Angela Baker’s murderous shenanigans in the whacky third franchise entry Sleepaway Camp 3: Teenage Wasteland.  Join the guys as they ponder the apparent sex appeal of one Michael J. Pollard and chat characters steeped in stereotypes, a noticeable less energetic and engaging Angela, and a potentially epic showdown that goes kaput.  So fry up some freshly caught fish (steak if you’re allergic, blare your boombox and gather ‘round the campfire.  And if you enjoy the episode remember….sharing is caring!

Find out more at http://www.darknightofthepodcast.com

The Slumber Party Massacre (Patreon Clip)

Here's a sneak peek at our latest Patreon Exclusive full length episode! We're talkin' the 1982 drilltastic slasher The Slumber Party Massacre!. Grab a slice of pizza and on over to Patreon (link included) and subscribe to hear our thoughts and to get access to all current past and future bonus content! Join us on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/darknightofthepodcast.

Find out more at http://www.darknightofthepodcast.com

Episode 104 – Death Drop Gorgeous (2020)

Troy and Roger and COMING OUT and kicking off Pride Month a few days early with a review of one the single most fierce and truly fabulous indie horror films to ever be rehearsed… Death Drop Gorgeous! This queer little indie saw some big love following its release, and it’s now available on Shudder and other major streaming services for your viewing pleasure! Join your favorite horror lovin gays as they discuss their respect and adoration for the team over at Monster Makeup Productions, the desire to watch Michael Ahern lick donut custard off his thumb on repeat, the truly impressive fact this film manages to navigate the rare balance of camp and horror, and that standout performance that is destined to go down as one of the greatest villains in indie horror history… the one and only Gloria Hole! So paint your faces, throw on your best wig, and log onto your Pounder app because you’re about to hook up with another episode of Dark Night of the Podcast!

Find out more at http://www.darknightofthepodcast.com

Episode 103 – The Nest (1987) with Zach Shildwachter

Troy scurries back to the podcast this week to join Roger and another very special guest, filmmaker and actor Zach Shildwachter, to chat about the 1987 killer cockroach flick The Nest.  Join the guys as they discuss egregiously forgotten female love interests, potentially off putting animal death sequences, the perils of spilling syrup,  and whether long johns are comparable to lingerie. Also, if you're interested in monthly exclusive bonus content, please check out our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/darknightofthepodcast.

Find out more at http://www.darknightofthepodcast.com

Episode 102 – Deep Red (1975) with Colin G. Cooper

An episode without the presence of the ample and curvaceous Troy Escamilla is a lofty task, but Roger enlists the support of “Bath Bomb” director (and source of knowledge regarding all things Giallo) Colin G Cooper to discuss the ever-celebrated 1975 Dario Argento masterpiece Deep Red! Colin leads Roger into the annals of Italian horror as they navigate the intricacies and subtle details of this truly exceptional piece of genre cinema! Join them as they discuss a variety of film related topics, including the appropriate times in which it’s completely acceptable to expose a woman’s breast on a camera,  the exact timeframe required to fill a king sized bathtub in real time, the 22 minutes of pure homoeroticism excluded from the international cut of the film and why we absolutely deserve to see them, and that glorious killer reveal that every gay horror fan lives for! Get yourselves ready, because this episode of Dark Night of the Podcast is coming at you like a murderous mechanical babydoll donning a tuxedo without any backstory or exposition! It’s time to get in deep… Deep Red that is!

Find out more at http://www.darknightofthepodcast.com

Cat's Eye (Patreon Clip)

Here's a sneak peek at our latest Patreon Exclusive full length episode! We're talkin' the Stephen King penned anthology Cat's Eye. Head on over to Patreon (link included) and subscribe to hear our thoughts and to get access to all current past and future bonus content! Join us on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/darknightofthepodcast.

Find out more at http://www.darknightofthepodcast.com

Episode 101 – Scream 3 (2000)

This one’s been a long time coming, folks. If there’s one title our fans have demanded we cover, it’s this gem. And since we always want to ensure our fans our satisfied, we’re here to tell you that your prayers have been answered. That’s right, gays… we’re covering none other than Scream 3! Love it or hate it, this title has gone down as one of the single most memorable horror sequels of all time. And while that’s not always for the better, a movie that offers a performance such as Parker Posey’s truly iconic depiction of celebrated film starlet Jennifer Jolie simply can’t be all that bad! Or can it?… You’ll just have to tune into this episode to find out our take on it! We’re discussing all the topics that fanboys want to hear, including the fact that ghost Maureen Prescott is SIGNIFICANTLY more absurd than ghost Billy Loomis, those goddamn micro bangs that we gays seemingly can’t get enough of, the unexpected and truly unnecessary introduction of one Martha Meeks, and the array celebrated one liners such as “My. Lawyer. Liked. THAT!” If you like your horror with a heavy helping of comedy, this titles likely going to be right up your alley. So don’t be scared to leave the door open as you sit on down for a brand new episode!

Find out more at http://www.darknightofthepodcast.com

Episode 100 – Dark Night of the Scarecrow (1982)

Raise your pitchforks high in the air because this is a milestone worth celebrating!! Triple digits! That's right! Episode 100!! And what better film to commemorate this occasion than the film that inspired the name of the podcast--1981's made-for-tv shocker Dark Night of the Scarecrow! Join Troy and Roger in celebrating as they chat one of the most despicable villains in film history, the perils of hiding in or near farm equipment, and a cast full of recognizable faces! Also, if you're interested in monthly exclusive bonus content, please check out our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/darknightofthepodcast

Find out more at http://www.darknightofthepodcast.com

Episode 99 – Venom (2005)

For their 99th full length episode, Troy and Roger head on down to the Louisiana bayou where they prepare to tackle the illusive and practically forgotten 2005 slasher offering Venom, a title that all but faded into obscurity following its overwhelming unsuccessful release. Is the practically unanimous poor reception from reviewers and moviegoers alike for good reason, or is there a hidden gem here buried in a suitcase beneath the dirt along with all of those godawful cgi snakes? That’s for the gays to decide, so jump inside Ray Sawyers shitty old tow truck and listen along as they banter over their opinions on related topics such as whether or not facial scars make white trash truck drivers more or less appealing, the problems with introducing major points of character development that ultimately serve little to no purpose, the questionable decision of killing off all of the African American actors in a movie focused around the intricacies of voodoo, the ongoing curse that is Agnus Bruckner’s acting career, and the many MANY issues they have with the usage of CGI blood. So does Venom deserve the bad wrap, or can it be milked of all of that bad juju and earn its rightful place in the slasher hall of fame? You’ll just have to listen to find out! Tune in now, or else the boys will have to turn you into their very own human voodoo doll!

Find out more at http://www.darknightofthepodcast.com

Avid horror fans and filmmakers (and noted homosexuals) Troy Escamilla and Roger "The Scream Queer" Conners have many opinions on film. Tune in weekly to hear these two discuss and dissect some of the horror genre's most iconic, overlooked, and often underrated films.